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2013-06-20 16:28

Ufo? över San Paulo

I tumultet i Brasilien iförrgår filmade man det här…

 *Jag tror mer på Ufo, än på Sifo*

2013-06-20 19:01
Bild 1. Klicka för att öppna i full storlek.

Tack Marr!

shit jag tror den är sann jäklar :D

antar de vill visa upp sig?

Bashar har sagt att 2013 kommer en Alien ras YAHYEL att visa sig

Det är dessa man ser här i bilden nedan i Arizona Phoenix Lights

2013-06-20 19:07

In Bashar’s message of December 22, 2012 called Through the Looking Glass Again he did something he seldom does. He made a 100 % prediction within a limited time frame (2013) about a “somewhat clear” sighting of an ET craft occupied by a human-gray hybrid race he calls The Yahyel.

Since a lot of sightings happen and are posted on sites like YouTube on a daily basis we have to assume that when Bashar bothers to mention it in this way it will be something a little more spectacular than “the average” stuff going on every day.

Taking into consideration that he likes to “understate” such things as to not evoke too much expectations in people, the very fact that he mentions it at all is significant since he does mot make 100 % predictions like this very often.

To be specific he did not say “100 %”. What he did say was: “There will be a somewhat clear sighting” (in 2013) and that is as close as you get to a 100 % prediction. He also said that this sighting “will help accelerate or reflect the acceleration that is now taking place.”

This adds weight to the importance of the predicted sighting as most of the daily sightings out there are like small droplets that altogether make a difference, while Bashar is indicating that this Yahyel sighting alone will make somewhat of a difference and be a symbol of the “acceleration” taking place (I presume towards full ET Disclosure predicted by Bashar to happen at latest within 2017).

When is this predicted UFO sighting of 2013 most likely to happen?

Out of curiosity I decided to use my dowsing rods to try to pinpoint the most likely month of 2013 in which this sighting will occur. The results I got were interesting and they made sense for several reasons I will explain afterwards.

Before I present these results I would like to remind the reader (as Bashar usually does, but didn’t when he predicted this sighting) that any prediction of the future is just valid at the time the prediction is made.

There can never be a truly 100 % prediction, only 99.9999+ %. If something changes the percentage of the prediction might change also.

However, since Bashar seemed so certain on this particular event to occur within the time frame of 2013 it felt like a cool idea to try to predict when in the year it would most likely occur.

I specifically asked for the percentage chance for this event to occur within each month of the year (prediction made 22.01.2013). Here is what I got:

  1. January: 3 %
  2. February: 5 %
  3. Mars: 8 %
  4. April: 10 %
  5. May: 10 %
  6. June: 12 %
  7. July: 55 %
  8. August: 70 %
  9. September: 99.9 %
  10. October: 1 %
  11. November: 1 %
  12. December: 0.01 %

Here is a graphical illustration:

Bashar Yahyel prediction 2013

As is clear to see from the above illustration the most likely window for this event to occur is from July to September, with September sailing up as the most likely month for the sighting to happen.

There can be a lot of reasons for this timing that I am not aware of, but if I had to speculate on some of them, here is what I would say in bullet point form:

  • Having the sighting too early after the prediction (made December 22, 2012) would not leave time for the rumor about the prediction to spread as far as possible before the event occurs.
  • Having the sighting in the end of the year would make it “crash” with another predicted event also mentioned by Bashar, namely the “once in a civilization” spectacle of the “Christmas miracle comet” that could be as bright as the full moon.
  • The month of September, and especially the 11th of September, have been associated with fear ever since the 9/11 terror attack in 2001. This milestone UFO sighting event might help to balance out that and change what we associate that month with from that point on.


I guess I’m going out on a limb here, but these are the results I got and they do sort of make sense at least for the reasons stated above.

I can also say that I do believe this sighting will be more significant than the Phoenix Lights sighting of 97. It will be a step up from that sighting (according to Bashar the same Yahyel hybrid race is behind both).

While the Phoenix Lights happened after dark, I think this 2013 Yahyel sighting will be a more visible sighting where the actual craft can be seen more clearly, and not just the lights. I think so because Bashar specified that it would be a “somewhat clear sighting”.

I will try to remember to check in on these predictions once in a while as time goes by to see if everything is “still on track” or if any significant changes can be measured.

If so, I will update this post with that new information. I will also update if I find out that Bashar has talked about this again in a future message.

Until then, I guess we will just have to wait and see…

Incoming search terms:

bashar predictions 2013, Yahyel, ufo predictions 2013, ufo 2013 predictions, bashar through the looking glass again, yahyel 2013, yahyel sighting, alien contact march 2013 yahyel, www ascensionmonitor com yahyel, yahyel bashar, ufo and ascension diclosure in 2013, ufo bashar, ufo disclosure prediction, ufo disclosure will it ever happen 2013, ufo phoenix

2013-08-18 03:36

Det börjar närma sig toppen nu då, vad härligt! 😃🌈

2013-08-18 05:55

Var det detta ni såg?

Cris sajtvärd på Livskvalitet & Utomjordiskt.

Hemsida  kliv in!

Varför står mina fötter på jorden när resten av min kropp är ute i rymden.

2013-08-18 06:39

Men var den borta, hade inte märkt det. Det var konstigt.🤔 Jo det var den Cristine, tror jag…🙂

 *Jag tror mer på Ufo, än på Sifo*

2013-08-18 07:25

Intressant inlägg av sillness. Men vem är Bashar?

2013-08-18 10:01

Underbar uppvisning, de ville verkligen bli sedda 🙂

Då får vi se om det stämmer det Bashar säger och de får gärna köra en uppvisning framför mig med

2013-08-18 11:52


Vilken cool väderballong *ironi* 😃

2014-04-10 23:40

#6 Jag skrev lite om Bashar här.

Har någon fått klarhet i om det dykt upp någon Yahyel ännu?

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